Good Morning my friends ♥ I'm having a rough morning and really wasn't feelin a post, but I read this Insight and just wanted to share it. I'm very comfortable in my comfort zone, hehe, so this gave me something to think about.
"If you have the courage to step outside of your comfort zone, you will not only be amazed by the marvel and sights of the world, but also with the wonders that lay deep within yourself."
Rosanna Ienco
From her new book Awakening the Divine Soul - Finding Your Life Purpose
So, I don't know how much courage I have to face whats coming in my life. There's a fear - there's nervousness - there's a sense of dread. Its very overwhelming. But I shall persevere! I keep telling myself everythings going to be fine, but will it? I can't know. Anyway, I'd appreciate any good vibes and prayers you can throw my way. Love to all :)
Next, and I can't believe it, I've received another award! Whoot!! My darling friend, Sharon of Mana Moon has given me yet another award - she must really luv me! lol :)) ♥
Thank you Sharon! Your blog is an absolute delight, so for YOU to bestow this upon me, is quite an honor. I appreciate you more than you know. Biiiiiig Hugs to you lady! ♥ ♥
From my dear friend Sharon :)

Thats it for me - I wish you ALL a happy Wednesday! Forced Affection Day, I mean Valentines Day is coming up! Love love love!!! hee hee!!
Peace & Love,
Angie ♥
Angie - I so do hope that things get better for you! If you ever need to talk, you know where you can find me. Hugs to you - keri
Aw, thanks Keri; I appreciate it so much ♥
Sending you all the good Chi I have!
It must be something in the air because this is how I've been feeling lately, really just a sense of exhaustion and dread. I'm sending you all the great vibes I can muster up, why is it they're always easier to give to others than our selves? Hang in there dear friend♥
Thanks Lulu and Sharon! oxox
Angie I'm sorry to hear you're having a rough time. I love your quote though and I do know that whatever you're feeling at the moment, the only thing that you can be sure of, is that it will change. If there's anything I can do to help (even if it's just listen!) feel free to email me.
Angie xxx
Oh Angie ~ thank you for that lovely offer. I may take you up on it one day ♥ Hugs, xoxo
Hi Ang -
I've been such a sloth lately....I should read your blog every day and I would feel better and energized! OTT and I just sit around heaving big sighhhhhhhhhs....can always use a shot of Angie!
Cheers and hugs to you -
Ang, I know you'll be okay because you have such supportive friends! You can even give me a hug if you want, even if it's only virtual! Too Much, TOO MUCH!! *pant-pant* BREATH!!!
Aw, Lulu ~ Thank you! Hugs to you too!!
Joshie ~ you crack my up my small friend! LOL Thank you for what you said. You're right, of course. I need to utilize my "network", huh? ♥ ♥
Oh Angie I'm sorry you're feeling like this but I think we all have these thoughts from time to time. I'm keeping you firmly in my prayers!! ♥
Oh Thank you Catherine!!! ♥ I'm starting to "think" my way thru it and am seeing a tiny bit of light in yonder tunnel ~ One day at a time...
Hi Angie! Just popping back to see how you are today? ♥
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